Sarah is a freelance visual journalist based in Philadelphia.

Her interest in politics first led her to Washington where she chased the story for many years. While covering the White House and Capitol Hill she documented impeachments, protests, elections, and traveled with the president across the country.

The intersection of climate change and agriculture motivated her to take a year-long road trip. She documented greenhouses run by artificial intelligence, vegetables hydroponically growing inside shipping containers, and enormous commercial monoculture.

During her sabbatical, she found inspiration in the scenes framed through her van's bedroom window.

Sarah’s work is most often commissioned by The New York Times, The Washington Post, Getty Images, Reuters, Bloomberg, and CNN.

She is currently producing a video essay on her family’s pioneering role in advancing art therapy in the 1940s.

If given the chance, she will talk your ears off about all things boondocking, giant trees & tufting.


Looking to collaborate?



Photographing President Trump in the White House Briefing Room.

My home on wheels for 2024.


Thanks for checking out my portfolio! Here are some photos of saguaro cactus as a treat for making it this far.